About Me
Hi friends my name is Amy Groves and I am super excited to be apart of the Art Scholars' Community this year! To start off with a little about me, I was born in Virginia. Then I moved to England and spent all of elementary school living there. While I lived in England, I traveled to almost every country in Europe. I got to explore so many countries because my parents love traveling. After elementary school I moved to Maryland and spent all of middle and high school in a town called Columbia which is just forty minutes away from College Park. After I graduated high school my family moved to the island of Oahu which is apart of the Hawaiian Islands.
Traveling from place to place could have been bad, but luckily I always had my three sisters and my cat named Simba whom we rescued while we were living in England. Simba is a tiny little tabby cat and she is very talkative. As soon as she sees someone she will start meowing and chirping. I love her so much because she is so fluffy, cute, and nice. My sisters are also very sweet, and I am so glad to have them in my life. My oldest sister went to school in Pennsylvania at Clarion University, and now she works for a Maryland-based furniture company. My second oldest sister went to University of Maryland and got a degree in Biology. Now she works at a hospital in Baltimore while she studies to apply for medical school. My third oldest sister currently goes to University of Maryland and is studying Computer Science. Each sister is different in their own way, and we each have a different favorite place that we lived.
My favorite placed I have lived is England because of the weather and the ancient buildings, schools, and houses everywhere. It is really cool to be surrounded by so much history.
I also love art. All throughout high school I took art and photography classes. In college I am currently enrolled in the Art Scholars' Program, and I have taken an introductory art class, ARTT100. Furthermore, I am president of the Art Scholars Art Advisory Board, so I am constantly planning artistic social events for my peers to enjoy. On top of that, I prefer to draw and paint in my spare time.