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Semester 4

My capstone project is my greatest accomplishment from my time in the scholars community because my oral communication skills grew tremendously. Each week I taught my class, I had to effectively give instructions for class activities. Furthermore, when I introduced the final project, I had to be understandable, so my students could comprehend what was expected for the project. These experiences during my capstone workshop furthered my oral communication skills.


I always held the optimistic belief that art is a tool for positive use. Then, this semester I attended the field trip during which students watched the documentary The Illusionists. After watching this movie, I became aware that art can be used to cause harm. For example, the documentary reveals that capitalistic industries commonly promote pictures and videos depicting malnourished girls and strapping men which in turn negatively affects the self esteem of many individuals in society. This documentary shows that art can be dangerous which terrifies me. Honestly, and possibly dramatically, I am as scared of art now as guns. 


Another time this semester my perception of art was influenced was when I browsed Saxon Brown’s website during Arts Fest. I cried reading the student’s poems because I felt the pain and insecurities the student’s projected through their vulnerable and honest words. This workshop reminded me of the power of poetry, and now I am motivated to start reading poetry after I finish reading The Hitchhiker’s Guide the Galaxy series. I want to read poetry that affects me so much that I cry as much as I did when reading those student’s poems. 


My early scholars classes instilled efficient time management skills in me which I used during my capstone project. Because my initial scholars classes required numerous assignments with hard deadlines, I learned to adequately plan my schedule to ensure I completed my assignments on time. My time management skills were furthered during my capstone project when I planned time in my schedule every week to work on workshop lesson plans, homework activities, the final project and more. Because of my productive planning, I always turned in my capstone assignments before the due date.


During my capstone project, I learned to sew. In the early stages of my project, I discovered how to thread a thread through a needle, how to pierce fabric, and the logistics of tying a knot. Then, I began practicing stitches. I started with the basics like back stitch and moved up to advanced stitches like bullion stitch. Eventually, I applied my  newfound technical skills to art projects; I began embroidering on clothing. For example, I have embroidered flowers on a pocket of a pair of shorts. All of this knowledge and experience is a result of my capstone project, and I am excited to continue sewing after the completion of my project. 


As a caveat, I have a bad memory, so this description may be inaccurate. During my freshman year, I participated in a group for the final project for CPSA100. During brainstorming, we struggled to agree on a project idea. To solve this problem, we each listed one idea and then held multiple rounds of voting to end up with one idea. Some people were annoyed if their idea was not chosen, but we all understood that the idea was chosen fairly and democratically, so there was unified respect for the final idea. Once the idea was chosen, we worked diligently to finish the project to go on to receive an A-.


During my capstone project, teaching a workshop, my public speaking skills improved tremendously, and I am excited to rely on these skills in a professional setting. For my office job, I will give presentations in meetings, and I will draw on the public speaking skills I learned during my capstone project to effectively communicate my ideas during work meetings.

Reflections: Image

Semester 3

Please address each of the following questions in your reflection:

  1. The following questions have been part of the underlying themes of this semester's colloquiums and related activities.  How has your experience this semester helped you to interpret and address each?  Provide an example to support your conclusions for each.

    • How can art reshape or recontextualize an understanding of our (individual and societal) learned history, biases, and beliefs?

Art can educate individuals more than facts. When I learned about the holocaust, I became more outraged when I saw pictures of the abuse of the Jews than I had when I heard any facts or data.

  • What are the theoretical models and practical strategies for initiating the creative process?

A common practical strategy for initiating the creative process is simply just starting. Sometimes, just beginning helps individuals start the creative process. Personally, I might not have any ideas for a project, but if I just begin, maybe by doodling, then ideas come to me.

  • How can we effectively incorporate feedback to revise and refine our ideas with greater depth and clarity?  

To effectively use feedback, one must be open to criticism. For my capstone project, I was given constant feedback, and I used that feedback to enhance and tweak my project. 

  1. Provide an example of a news-related item that you encountered outside of the colloquium dealing specifically with art as a mechanism for expressing one’s values, beliefs or lived experience that has captured your attention during the last few months. Indicate how (or whether) your engagement in the Arts program helped you understand it better.

Seeing pictures of the wildfires on the West Coast, helped me understand the hardships that are Americans living on the West Coast face. Arts program did not help me understand the crisis better, because we did not discuss the crisis. 

  1. From your experience so far, what Arts supporting courses, and/or courses you are taking towards your major, show the most interesting, surprising, and revealing intellectual connections to what you have learned or experienced as an Arts Scholar? Cite at least one course and describe the synergies connecting the knowledge you acquired in that course with that acquired in Arts Scholars.

My communication class (COMM107) taught me to be confident with public speaking. Next semester in Arts Scholars I will be leading a workshop and will use the knowledge I learned in my communications class as a foundation to further develop my public-speaking skills.

  1. Discuss how or whether your learning was improved by interacting (in or out of class) with fellow Arts Scholars. Please use particular examples of how being a part of this living-learning community (virtual and otherwise) aided in expanding your learning and conversely, where it fell short.

Through my experience with the Arts Advisory Board, I learned there are different types of leaders. Before this year I thought a leader could only look one way: loud and confident. However, through AAB, I have worked with leaders that can be soft-spoken and quiet. This semester I have learned that leaders do not always fit certain stereotypes.

  1. Scholars encourages active contribution by students, either in academic settings (e.g., colloquium discussions and projects; field trip activities; etc.) or as part of the larger Scholars community. In what manner have you contributed to the Arts program and community the semester?  What opportunities do you wish you were able to leverage to contribute more or in alternative ways?

This semester I was the president of the Arts Advisory Board. With my team I planned and hosted two events for scholars students to enjoy. This experience taught me I can successfully be in charge of large projects.

  1. Discuss whether being in Scholars brought you into contact with people or concepts that challenged your previous beliefs or opinions. What is the value of exploring perspectives that are different from, or challenge, your own?  Please provide an example.

This semester on zoom, I met with a guest speaker who lives in Chicago. It was interesting to interact with someone from a place I have never been. She taught me about Puerto Rican music which I had never known about. I enjoyed being exposed to a new genre of music because I love music and appreciate discovering new types of music.

Reflections: Image

Amy Groves

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