Pentathalon Semester 4
As an experiential component of College Park Arts Scholars, I attended a selection of five art events during my fourth semester. These events ranged in art mediums and each sparked dialogue among my peers.

On Netflix
1-27-2021 #Film
In the movie I noticed that the mom was constantly drinking. This theme of drinking connected the various sections of the movie, and created a sense of fluidity throughout the movie which I appreciated. I did not appreciate the reveal of the antagonist at the end of the movie. In the last minutes of the movie, the father-in-law is revealed to be the person who put the kill order out on the protagonist. The father-in-law should have had a direct conversation with the protagonist about the handler turning dirty instead of taking the action he did. When the father-in-law put the kill order out, the father-in-law put his daughter, who is married to the protagonist, in danger. In real life, a father would not willingly put his daughter in so much danger. Thus, the plot of the movie was flawed.
Even though the plot was flawed, I found the movie exciting. There was constant fighting and people dying, and all the action kept the viewer alert. Furthermore, I was invested in the movie because I find spies fascinating. I am so intrigued by spies, I want to work for the FBI and become a special agent, so I can have similar work as the protagonist of the movie.
I am intrigued by cinematographic art because I know very little about the art form. Hopefully, this semester in art scholars I will have an opportunity to practice this new form of art that I am unfamiliar with. Learning such a skill would be useful because clearly cinematography can be utilized to create impressive projects such as Killers.

Finding Ohana
On Netflix
1-28-2021 #film
I chose this movie because it relates to my life. The movie is about two Native Hawaiian children who grew up in Brooklyn, NY, and they move back to Hawaii for a summer. Because I live in Hawaii, I am familiar with the culture and land, and I believe the movie portrayed Hawaii life inaccurately. The actors constantly say “mahalo”, but people in Hawaii rarely say mahalo. Normally when people are giving thanks they say “thank you” not mahalo. Furthermore, when their grandfather is in the hospital, he has a Kanaka Maoli, the native Hawaiian flag, crumbled up next to him. That is extremely disrespectful.The native Hawaiians would never scrunch up their flag. Additionally, the geographical aspect of the movie is normally inconsistent. For example, the children may be on the North Shore of Oahu, get in a car and drive for five minutes, and then be in Honolulu. To get from the north side of Oahu to the south side of Oahu takes at least an hour not five minutes.
On a positive note, the actors were played by Native Hawaiian actors which was exciting for my community. This movie is actually popular in Hawaii because our community is thrilled finally to have Native Hawaiians in a movie. Another movie from a couple years ago, Aloha, cast Emma Stone, a caucasian, as a Native Hawaiian pilot. People in Hawaii were furious at the “whitewashing”.

2 for 1 Pentathlon Event
January 1, 2021 #ArtsScholars #music #presentation
Because I was a leader of this event, I am supposed to compare and contrast the two groups that came into my breakout room since that is what Heather and Harold requested.
For the event, the leaders gave a quick introduction to the participants at the beginning. The participants were told they would spend 30 mins in the breakout room of their choice and then spend the last 30 mins of the event in a different breakout room of their choice.
I was a leader of the guessing song breakout rooms, and led two different groups. The first breakout room with the group was messy and stressful. We initially started with 14 people in our room then in the last 6 minutes another person joined, but they could not participate because our activity only allowed 14 members. Furthermore, we ran out of time because we wasted at least 10 minutes introducing ourselves in the beginning.
The second round with the second group went much better, and we finished with 6 minutes before the breakout room ended because we cut the introductions part. There was no confusion since we kept 11 members the whole time and the participants clearly enjoyed themselves.
I enjoyed leading the event because I like offering students fun activities to interact with their peers. Unfortunately, my brain was fried after the event because for the hour-long event, I was constantly attending to an issue or leading a part of the event. The hour flew by because I was constantly working. Moreover, the event would have been significantly easier to hold in-person because there were some difficulties with Zoom. For example, the leaders struggled to efficiently communicate over Zoom and Group Me, but I think we would have easily been able to communicate in person.

"Only Use Colors That Calm You"
March 14th, 2021 #VisualArt
I completed one of the art therapy projects that is linked to the pentathlon instructions page titled “Only Use Colors That Calm You”. Initially, I chose this project because I wanted to start my spring break with a relaxing activity, and luckily I enjoyed the project. Specifically, I liked seeing a boring white piece of paper transform into artwork full of color is an exciting process for me. Simply put, turning something plain into a stunning piece is a process that I love. That is why I am an artist and participate in the Arts Scholars program.
For my artwork, I created two lovers holding each other intensely because the love in my life keeps me relaxed, and I wanted to depict a scene that symbolizes calmness to me. For color strength, I choose very watered-down watercolor pigments, so my colors would have a dull effect and appear not intensive to convey a laid-back vibe. When arriving at my decision for color choices, I mainly picked hues that are calming according to the article attached to the project. For example, from the article I learned that blue is a relaxing color to look at, so I painted the color on the boy's shirt. Also, I learned that red can have an angering effect. However, I hypothesized that if I used a very watered down red, the color would actually have a calming effect because the color would be very pale and light. Based on my personal experience, I believe my hypothesis to be true.
Overall, I greatly enjoyed creating a piece of artwork focused on the idea of calmness.
Pentathalon Semester 3
As an experiential component of College Park Arts Scholars, I attended a selection of five art events during my third semester. These events ranged in art mediums and each sparked dialogue among my peers.

The Social Network
By David Fincher
9-1-2020 #film
The social Network is a movie about Mark Zuckerburg creating Facebook. I was shocked at the movie’s negative portrayal of Mark Zuckerburg; the protagonist is projected as a rude anti-social jerk; however, the Mark Zuckerburg I am familiar with, is kind and honest, so I do not understand why the movie would paint Zuckerburg in such a negative light, or why Zuckerburg allowed the creators to produce such negative content. On the other hand, this movie is award- winning and I can understand why. The opening scene depicts young Zuckerburg and his soon to be ex-girlfriends bantering. I always appreciate a fast-paced, confusing banter in a movie. Such a banter brings energy and a sense of urgency to the setting. In the banter Zuckerburg is scattered, he jumps from idea to idea without any sense of logic connecting his ideas; however, this scattered logic does not continue throughout the movie, for the rest of the movie Zuckerburg behaves and speaks logically, so I was confused why the creators did not keep Zuckerburg’s behavior consist throughout the film. Another part of the cinematography I appreciated was the scene of San Francisco changing from day to night. The scene starts with showing San Francisco looking quiet and sleepy, then night falls and San Francisco becomes bright and chaotic. This depiction of chaos follows into the next scene depicting a nightclub. I liked this smooth scene change. Strangely, the film did not depict Zuckerburg meeting his future wife, Priscilla Chan, in college. Considering how important Chan is to Zuckerburg, I do not understand why the plot line did not include her. Chan and Zuckerburg met during the time the film depicts, so in my opinion, the creators should have included Chan in the plot.

Dear Parents
by Tate McRae
9-2-2020 #music
I have listened to another recital by Tate McRae, which I loved, so I had high expectations when I listened to this performance, and my expectations were not met. The singer’s voice in this performance was not as beautiful as was in the last performance. For this recital, the girl’s voice was ruff and shallow. Furthermore, the lyrics were not as powerful as the last performance, but the wording was still strong. This recital is about a teenage girl’s relationship with her parents, and once I was a teenage girl, so I related to many different parts of the performance. For example, I related to the part of the performance where the girl describes how she does not get to talk to her parents much. In high school I was so busy, so I rarely saw my parents. Additionally, the performance focuses on how a teenage girl feels misunderstood by her parents. Her parents call the teenage girl “dramatic”, but the girl feels her behavior is justifiable because she is stressed out and finds highschool “terrifying”. Throughout the rest of the recital, there are more examples of the parents and girl seeing differently, and never understanding each other. Thus, overall, the lyrics evoke empathy and sadness in the audience.

One Day
By Tate McRae
9-3-2020 #music
I absolutely love this recital! This girl has an incredible voice, sweet and angelic. Her singing is very mellow which I admire because my favorite genre is mellow music. The lyrics are about a girl and boy that both have crushes on each other but are too afraid to talk to one another. Thus, the title, one day, references how both of them want to be with each other one day if they can overcome their shyness. The lyrics highlight the beautiful moments in a young love, for example, the girl “swarms with butterflies” after simply hearing the boy's voice. This lyric emphasises how much power the boy has over the girl's emotions. Furthermore, the lyrics convey how painful it is for the girl and boy to see each other but never be with one another. For example, the lyrics say “i've understood that you will never be mine and that's fine i'm just breaking inside”. Clearly, they both want to be together, but their shyness is too powerful. Overall, this interpersonal conflict full of desperation is conveyed beautifully, through the singer’s light voice.

“Women’s Rights Are Human Rights”
by Mara D'Amico and Rebecca Turkington, Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security 2015
9-5-2020 #VisualArt
I wanted to look at an art exhibit for pentathlon credit, but all the art exhibits near me are closed, so I had to search online for virtual art galleries. I was pleased to find that Google has created an Arts and Culture website that offers many free virtual art galleries. As I looked at all the different art galleries, a particular exhibit stood out to me, “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights”. Currently, women’s rights are a big discussion, and as a female, I am passionate about the topic. Thus, I choose to look at this particular art exhibit. I went into the exhibit thinking I would see photographs of lots of different females, but I was disappointed to find that all the photographs in the exhibit were about Hillary Clinton. However, the last photograph in the exhibit of Clinton I am entranced by. Clinton is wearing a pink suite and all the people around her are in dark colors, so she pops out of the photograph. Furthermore, I like the reflection of all the lights in the background, they give unique detail to the photograph. Finally, and most importantly, the picture is obviously candid. I adore candid photographs and think staged pictures are static and unnatural. The audience can easily tell this is a candid photograph because the picture is shaky; the photographer rushed to capture the moment Clinton shook hands with the other diplomat. Overall, this exhibit focused on Clinton’s accomplishments with women’s rights; however, I would have preferred if the exhibit focused on the progression of women's rights or contemporary lack of women’s rights, those topics are more powerful to me.

Halloween Origami Night
10-13-2020 #Presentation & Art Scholars Event
In this event I learned how to make origami bats and pumpkins. After this event I am wondering what else I can make with origami. Can I make origami cats? Dogs? Humans? What are the limits of origami? This content connects to art scholars because this event involved hands-on art-making, and we spend lots of time in our scholars colloquium making art. This event required problem-solving (figuring out which way to fold, and how many folds to use), and I always use problem-solving at my accounting internship.